Corso di fotografia per i minori stranieri non accompagnati di Catania

Da ieri siamo a Catania per realizzare, in collaborazione con Don Bosco 2000 e Shoot4Change, un corso di fotografia destinato a 10 migranti ospiti del Centro di Prima Accoglienza di Catania.

Il Centro di Accoglienza per minori stranieri non accompagnati alla Playa (Catania) offre primissima accoglienza ai minori che giungono sulle nostre coste da soli. Hanno un’età media compresa tra i 15 e i 17 anni e qui trovano un tetto dove dormire, accoglienza, comprensione.


We continue our reconnaissance work, verification and assessment of the situation in the different areas of West Africa Sub-Saharan Africa to understand what are the most at risk areas for the occurrence of migration and how to intervene. Gianpaolo Gullotta has just arrived in the Ivory Coast, and tells us about his first impression of the country.

A city "en panne" I just found I landed in the chaotic Abidjan (Ivory Coast).

Immigrant in Italy, back in Senegal for doing business

Seny is a young Senegalese welcomed at the widespread community of Aidone in the summer of 2014, along with other compatriots. Taking computer literacy course and educational workshops, it emerges the expressive ability in the Italian language, for sociability and dynamism.

It is found to play an internship with the Association Don Bosco in 2000 as a cultural and linguistic mediator. The internship is then extended twice, taking up a year later, approximately.
